About ATP Performance

With a team of cycle coaches with many relevant qualifications: (BSc Hons Sport and Exercise Science graduate (1st Class), Level 2 Gym Instructor, TrainingPeaks accreditation and British Cycling qualified coach), ATP Performance cycle coaches have a wide range of qualifications and expertise which allow us to work with riders across the full spectrum of training areas – both on and off the bike. We work closely with athletes to help them realise their potential and achieve their goals. By customising your on-bike training, off-bike training and specific nutrition requirements, we make sure that all these elements are properly integrated so that they complement each other effectively in order to maximise your training benefits.

“We want to work closely with athletes to help them realise their potential and achieve their goals”

Our qualifications have given us a scientific understanding of performance physiology, athlete psychology, sports performance nutrition, exercise biomechanics and exercise programming. Being able to compete at your best on the bike is a combination of how you train, how you recover and how you eat/fuel, whilst also making sure that your body and mind are functioning at their optimum level off the bike. Without proper focus on all of these important areas, performance on the bike will always be compromised.

“Being able to compete at your best on the bike is a combination of how you train, how you recover and how you eat/fuel”

Through the additional vocational qualifications we have gained, we have further developed our ability to apply the theoretical knowledge to individual athletes at a practical level. We can develop exercise programs that will not only allow for the greatest training benefits and adaptations but also take into consideration other factors such as athlete psychology, tailored nutrition, and fitting training in around work and other life commitments without compromising either.

“We can develop exercise programs that will not only allow for the greatest training benefits and adaptations”

Our cycle coaches have been cycling for several decades between them. From a complete amateur with no prior sporting experience, to then spending multiple years as Elite level riders or UCI professionals. This time and effort spent progressing through the ranks as coached athletes has also helped us to develop a deeper understanding and appreciation of how coaching works in practice from the perspective of an athlete. This is one of the reasons why we offer so much coach/athlete contact across our coaching packages, as feedback and communication are things that we valued highly as an athlete.

“Feedback and communication are things that we valued highly as an athlete”

As cycle coaches, we want to get the very best out of the athletes we work with, but we also want them to enjoy what they do. We believe that the knowledge and experience we have accumulated over the years, combined with our academic and professional qualifications, puts us in an ideal position to work with you in order to achieve your goals. Having all completed sports and exercise degrees, these have given us the theoretical knowledge we need to develop the best athletes possible; while the additional vocational courses have taught us how best to apply this knowledge. Combined with the experience of our time as active international level cyclists, all this has given us an in-depth understanding of how these theories and applications come together and work in practice.

“We want to get the very best out of the athletes we work with, but we also want them to enjoy what they do”

cycle coaching cycle coaching cycle coaching cycle coaching cycle coaching cycle coaching cycle coaching cycle coaching cycle coaching